The Use Of Data Models On Software Projects: Why Bother?

The Use Of Data Models On Software Projects: Why Bother?

Since the invention and introduction of the entity-relationship modelling technique by Peter Chen in 1970s, data modelling techniques have been used to represent information requirements of an organization as well as describe how data should be used to meet the requirements given by the end user.

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A List Of Free Software For Design Mockups

A List Of Free Software For Design Mockups

You shouldn’t have to create an excellent design from scratch. Most apps are the result of iterative design, a methodology based on a cyclic process of prototyping, testing, analyzing, and refining. Design mockups play a significant role in regards to this methodology, allowing designers to create example designs in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional tools.

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The Difference Between Software Validation and Verification

The Difference Between Software Validation and Verification

Software requirements validation and verification are both complementary processes related to the concepts of quality assurance. Often abbreviated as V&V, the combined process of validation and verification is used in software project management, engineering, and testing to ensure that all specifications are met and the product fulfils its purpose.

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Software Testing Dictionary: Types of Software Testing Approaches You Should Know

Software Testing Dictionary: Types of Software Testing Approaches You Should Know

There are different types of software testing approaches, but they all share two common goals: to ensure that the final software meets the requested/agreed upon criteria and is free from bugs, no matter how ideal this may be. Our alphabetically sorted software testing dictionary lists important testing methods, giving you a concise overview of software testing.

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An Introduction To Requirements Management Software

An Introduction To Requirements Management Software

Every organization should have one or more robust tool(s) that can be used for managing its software requirements. Depending on the size of the software project, it can be as simple as documenting the requirements using a word document or as complex as employing a requirements management software.

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Why Process Repositories Are Better Than Drawing Tools

Why Process Repositories Are Better Than Drawing Tools

One of the key components of BPM Technology is a process repository with the capability to store information on organization-wide processes. Repository tools are not the same as presentation/drawing applications like Powerpoint and Visio and are usually more effective for the following reasons:

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