5 Tips For Conducting Test Sessions: Effective Defect Reporting
/Defect reporting is a central activity that is extremely crucial to software testing. It is the act of recording software bugs so that they can be resolved. Consultants or developers review these defects with the aim of resolving them once they are determined to be valid.
Defects may be encountered during test sessions as a result of software errors, missed requirements, test script errors or user errors, to mention a few.
This piece provides 5 key tips on software testing that can help in managing defects.
Log defects as quickly as possible to allow for prompt resolution. This also ensures that you are able to capture the full details of the errors recorded during the test session while they are still fresh in your mind.
Be as specific as possible when explaining defects to avoid the back and forth that is likely to ensue when the issue is to be fixed. This will save both time and energy and can prevent the developer from getting frustrated. Screenshots and video clips of defects can aid understanding and replication.
Someone that understands system functionality should be around to guide the testers and ensure that the defects reported are valid and are not as a result of not understanding how the system works. This can save a significant amount time for the testers logging the defects and the consultants/developers reviewing them.
Defects can have different statuses. Examples that may be used during the recording and issue resolution process include: New, resolved, retested, investigating, in progress, ready for retest and pending next release, to mention a few. Assign the right status to issues for active monitoring.
Testers should follow test scripts, assuming they have been properly documented. Having a test script that can reduce hesitation and uncertainty when conducting tests though exploratory testing also has its benefits. A combination of the two will provide more comprehensive results.
If you’re a new tester or QA specialist looking to explore job opportunities, including those allowing you to work from home as a QA Analyst, particularly in this post-pandemic setting, understanding the basics of defect reporting is certainly crucial.
What has been your experience with defect reporting?
Picture Attribution: “Business Concept, Businessman Holding True And False Sign. Illustration And Flat Design” by aechan/Freedigitalphotos.net
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