7 Qualities Every Leader Should Have

7 Qualities Every Leader Should Have

From Steve Jobs to Bill Gates, their experience and qualities have made them and their products globally recognized. What do you reckon are the qualities and skills of these leaders that have made them so successful?

This article discusses what makes successful leaders and provides tips on what qualities you should strive to improve across your organization/team.

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10 Tips For Easily Acquiring New Professional Habits

10 Tips For Easily Acquiring New Professional Habits

The beginning of a new year is typically the best time to reflect on old habits and pick up new ones. This applies to both personal and professional habits.

Developing new habits is an essential must-do. That is because our daily schedules comprise endless routines. Becoming stuck in an infinite cycle of dull and unproductive habits can become disheartening over time.

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How To Progress Your Career & Not Get Stuck In A Rut

How To Progress Your Career & Not Get Stuck In A Rut

Progressing up the career ladder is no easy feat. Regardless of where you turn, or any achievements you attain, you seem to face obstacles that take you right back to square one. Sometimes, it’s hard to stay motivated, especially when it appears all odds are against you.

Sounds familiar? Here’s what you need to do to address this. Guest Post By Brenda Berg

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Can You Decline A Job Offer If You've Already Accepted it?

Can You Decline A Job Offer If You've Already Accepted it?

Imagine this situation: you have accepted a job proposal from one company but while you were waiting for them to send you the contract, you received another proposal. That second proposal is better than the first one and you really would like to work with the second company. Is it even legal to decline an accepted job offer?

Guest Post By Diana Clark

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How To Cope When Your Boss Resigns

I never thought my boss would leave… Of course, I understand that he’s human and has ambitions of his own but I just never conceived of it and didn’t want to, until it happened. It was downright shocking and I felt at a loss, to put it mildly. Here was the captain of our ship, parking it in like it was just another day. 

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How To Use The STAR Method During A Behavioral Job Interview

Behavioural interview questions are very common in today’s workforce. These types of questions are great for the interviewer because it gives them a lot of information about the potential candidate. Many interviewers fear behavioural questions because they are open ended with no single best answer. 

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Should I Take A Career Break? What Are The Implications?

Should I Take A Career Break? What Are The Implications?

If running the rat race starts getting harder to do, you might want to consider taking a break. A career break can be taken for a variety of reasons. You may want to write a novel, study a subject/language or even travel the world. Before you clear up your desk, it's very important to understand what a career break is all about and be able to answer these key questions

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How Do I Deal With Feelings Of Underappreciation At Work?

How Do I Deal With Feelings Of Underappreciation At Work?

Persistent feelings of underappreciation at work can be very worrisome and often signifies a deep-seated problem that needs to be addressed. 

You do your best at work, make decisions you believe are right, deliver success after success but you still feel unappreciated. It’s very important to understand where those feelings are coming from before they take over and become crippling. Underappeciation has the potential to make you feel depressed and consistently unworthy of your role. Such feelings should not be left to fester and should be addressed immediately. Here are 5 simple steps you can take to improve the situation and how you feel about yourself.

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A List Of Free Interview Preparation Sites

A List Of Free Interview Preparation Sites

Preparing adequately for your Interview is the key to acing it. A huge part of that preparation involves understanding what to expect and getting adequate practice before the big day. There are numerous sites online with courses and practice sessions on how to excel at interviews. Explore this list for websites that can help you get started:

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Why Do Some People Get Promoted And Others Don’t?

Why Do Some People Get Promoted And Others Don’t?

Apart from those already high up the career ladder with nowhere else to go, the rest of us have to work very hard for a promotion. The terms for promoting an employee across organizations are not always clear or uniform. In some cases, promotions are done through a combination of performance evaluation and promotion examination. For others, it may be a combination of different factors. The key is to identify what factors your organization considers in deciding whether an employee should be promoted or not and work on getting yourself noticed.

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How Do I Remain Alert At Meetings?

How Do I Remain Alert At Meetings?

Meetings are usually called to solve problems, share information/feedback, brainstorm and build commitments, to mention a few objectives. Depending on the objective of the meeting, it may involve going through reports or presentations. Though there are many benefits to be had (in some cases), it can be quite challenging taking part in seemingly endless meetings and discussions.

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How Do I Exercise My Leadership Skills At Work?

How Do I Exercise My Leadership Skills At Work?

For a start, let’s establish the difference between management and leadership. According to Professor Warren G. Bennis, “Leaders are people who do the right thing” while “Managers are people who do things right.” Leadership is basically inspiring people to do things while management can often be about dictating what people should do.

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