5 Reasons To Invest In Market Research

5 Reasons To Invest In Market Research

While there are many budding entrepreneurs, relatively few understand the value of market research. Many may wave it off as “pointless” or “too expensive”, especially during the early phases of business growth. The fact is, however, that budding startups have the most to gain from devoting time to conducting market research. Here are a few reasons to conduct some market research, way before you even open your door for business.

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How To Improve Brand Awareness With Brand Analytics

How To Improve Brand Awareness With Brand Analytics

An excellent product coupled with powerful marketing can certainly make your business successful. However, if you want to retain that success, it’s imperative that you also focus on providing top-notch support to your customers, offering competitive prices, and of course, spreading brand awareness. 

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4 Critical Research Steps You Shouldn't Skip When Launching a New Business

4 Critical Research Steps You Shouldn't Skip When Launching a New Business

In the business world, embarking on a venture like launching a new business entails figuring out if there’s even a need or demand for the product or service you’re selling; checking out your local area to identify a business location; and checking out who your competitors are as well as figuring out how you can set yourself apart from them.

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Working Capital Loan – Business Benefits

Working Capital Loan – Business Benefits

If you've been in business for long, you clearly understand how important cash and cash flow is to the health and viability of your business. Having a positive cash flow injected into your business is necessary for viability. This implies that you don’t have to rely on the sale of assets or financing to fund your operations or growth.

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Online Business Transition: An Easy Guide For Small Business Owners

Online Business Transition: An Easy Guide For Small Business Owners

If you feel your business has peaked and gone stagnant at its physical location, the next possible step might be to take it to the digital front. e-commerce has boomed over the past few years and customers are now spending more of their time and money online rather than going to brick-and-mortar stores.

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Social Media For E-commerce In 2020 & Beyond

Social Media For E-commerce In 2020 & Beyond

Social media is a valuable tool for e-commerce businesses. It is not without its dangers, but when used correctly and managed well, it can be an incredibly useful resource for marketing. In a consumer-powered age, having a Facebook or Twitter account is now considered a vital component of all business management, and for e-commerce brands, it is even more crucial. 

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Beginner Email Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Beginner Email Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

DatabaseUSA.com reveals that email marketing can be one of the best ways to create more sales. They even indicate that the ROI for email marketing can be as high as $38 per dollar spent. However, there are some mistakes businesses can make when trying to engage with subscribers on their email list. Here are the top 4 potential blunders you need to avoid. Sponsored Post

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Why Social Media Marketing is Important for Small Businesses 

Why Social Media Marketing is Important for Small Businesses 

No matter how good your product or service is, if you own a small business, you’ll need to get your name out there if you want to succeed. This is why it's so important for you to optimise your marketing efforts. You need to make sure that people see what you are about and are able to determine what you can do for them.

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Overcoming the Challenges of Telecommuting Within Your Business

Overcoming the Challenges of Telecommuting Within Your Business

The number of people who are telecommuting rather than working in the office is increasing. In fact, 45 percent of Americans work from home at least part of the time, and there are over 53 million freelancers in the United States. This trend is likely to increase due to the many advantages of telecommuting to both employees and companies. Despite all of the advantages, there are some drawbacks as well. Here are some of the drawbacks and how to overcome them. Guest Post By Devin Morrissey

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3 Ways To Grow Your Business

3 Ways To Grow Your Business

No matter what type of business you run, chances are that at some point, you’re going to run into a plateau. At some point, it may feel like no matter what you do, you’re not going to see any more growth. The truth of the matter is that when these times come, it’s important not to get discouraged and to start thinking outside the box. Here are three ways break a business plateau.

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Making Better Business Decisions: Role Of A Business Analyst

Making Better Business Decisions: Role Of A Business Analyst

Generally, most people would contend that the sole motivation behind every business is to make profit - the more profit the better. That limited picture, typical of the entrepreneurial framework, shapes the activities of most companies, making them direct their efforts towards “here and now” benefits and investor returns. Their choices and decisions are therefore heavily influenced by monetary considerations.

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