Beginner Email Marketing Mistakes To Avoid reveals that email marketing can be one of the best ways to create sales. They even indicate that the ROI for email marketing can be as high as $38 per dollar spent. However, there are some mistakes businesses can make when trying to engage with subscribers on their email list. Here are the top 4 potential blunders you need to avoid.

1. Personalization Gone Wrong 

Personalization is a great way of making subscribers feel valued. I allows you to segment your list of customers based on demographics and behaviours, and it can also help you send better messages. Personalization can occur in a variety of places to help your audience feel connected to your business. This includes personalization within the email body, the style of language, the greeting and even the subject line. 

Many businesses however, use personalization the wrong way. Using the wrong placeholder for information can cause you to disconnect from your readers. Tokens, such as first names in the email, can be a great way to personalize greetings. If not embedded properly, however, it will make your customers feel disconnected, for example, using the wrong names will cause your readers to feel that the company is not taking the time to know them personally. 

Using improper language can also have a detrimental effect. Using the wrong keywords, jargon or outdated terms will also not reflect properly on your company’s image. If you make a personalization blunder, it can cost your company significantly. Failing to personalize correctly demonstrates that your business lacks awareness and can leave customers on your mailing list feeling as though your business doesn’t care enough about keeping accurate records.

2. Irrelevant Information 

Sending emails that contain information the audience doesn’t care about will cause readers to disengage from your marketing campaigns. It will eventually turn them off of your business completely. One common blunder is sending repeated sales messages to people who have already purchased an item/service. 

This is often a blunder of segmentation. When you segment your customer list according to behaviour and demographics, you are better placed to provide information that is relevant to each segment.

Your offers, promotions and content should be aligned with the customers’ behaviour and demographics. 

3. Not Editing Your Emails 

Editing and revision of your emails is a large part of the process to ensure your business upholds a positive image.

Linking can direct your audience to the wrong page, if not done properly. Since you only have seconds to gain your audience’s attention, a broken link would cause them to simply move on and you will not get the desired response. Updating your “alt” tags is also important when proofing your emails. This clearly shows the reader what your images are about if they can’t see them. Leaving your alt tags unformatted however, makes your email look messy and can conceal vital information from your audience.

What other mistakes should business owners be aware of?