The Importance Of Asking The "Right" Questions

The Importance Of Asking The "Right" Questions

There is something superficial about today's culture, however: The masses of information available out there and the culture in most organizations can place significant pressure on professionals to project and exude knowledge. Consequently, admitting that one does not know can quickly become a source of stigma, especially in situations where one is “expected” to know.

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An Awesome Guide To Requirements Elicitation: What To Do Before The Event

An Awesome Guide To Requirements Elicitation: What To Do Before The Event

To avoid project failure, it is extremely important to plan for elicitation events effectively so that any anticipated difficulties can be nipped in the bud. For quick tips on how to increase the chances of your requirements elicitation event (Brainstorming sessions, workshop sessions, etc) through effective planning and visualisation, get a copy of BAL's ebook.

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Process Reference Models: Why You Should Use One

Process Reference Models: Why You Should Use One

What Are Process Reference Models?

It’s easier to describe them by saying what they are not:

They are NOT a step-by-step set of instructions that dictate how your processes should work. They only serve as a guide for making process decisions and will need to be modified to suit the requirements of your business

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Organising ERP Projects: The Role of Business Analysts

Organising ERP Projects: The Role of Business Analysts

The role of the BA may not always be clear or emphasised especially when key stakeholders and consultants are also on a project. This article discusses the role of BAs in an ERP project and how they can be organised to add value. How BAs are organised during ERP Projects can make a huge difference.

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Knowledge Management In Business Analysis: Multiplying Human Potential

Knowledge Management In Business Analysis: Multiplying Human Potential

Who’s the one person in your team you simply can’t afford to lose? It’s okay - every business has one: some expert, savant, or otherwise indispensable worker who holds projects together like glue. People like these are called Subject Matter Experts. They are those from whom we elicit those requirements that are not always explicitly stated. These people are incredible assets—until they are no longer with the business…and then they become a liability. Guest Post By Edgar Wilson.

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Business Process Reengineering Vs Business Process Optimisation

Business Process Reengineering Vs Business Process Optimisation

BPO and BPR are two separate approaches to achieving process improvement and they need to be understood within the context of improving business processes in order to identify which approach is best for your business.

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Process Mapping: Key Success Factors You Should Know About

Process Mapping: Key Success Factors You Should Know About

Our team recently completed a project that involved documenting As-is processes. The objective was to create a central repository of processes to guide process improvement discussions. Though businesses embark on process mapping exercises for different reasons, the benefits are worthwhile, if successfully completed. To achieve success with building your process repository, there are some key success factors you should be aware of:

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15 Quick Tips For Modelling Business Processes

15 Quick Tips For Modelling Business Processes

Business Process Modelling is a technique, one that comes with standards that are understandable to stakeholders if presented in the right form but this is not always the case. The problem with drawing process models is that they can quickly become unwieldy over time, hard to maintain and difficult to understand, thereby defeating their main purpose which is to convey meaning.

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What Business Analysts Can Learn From Call Centers

What Business Analysts Can Learn From Call Centers

Numerous studies, including those by Oracle and American Express, indicate that consumers are willing to spend more, following an excellent customer service experience. For the simple fact that call centers handle customer interactions, it’s no surprise that they contain a mine of information that Business Analysts can tap into. Guest post by James Lawther.

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Prioritising Business Processes: How To Select Processes For Improvement

Prioritising Business Processes: How To Select Processes For Improvement

No matter which approach you adopt, process selection should be guided by this basic principle: Only about 20% of organisational processes have the potential to deliver unique competitive advantage (Pareto’s Principle). If you can identify these processes, half the battle is won.

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