20 Principles Of Business Process Improvement

20 Principles Of Business Process Improvement

Companies undertake process improvement efforts for numerous reasons. If a company is vying to attract investors for example, it must have its ducks in a row. Process information flying around in memos and emails can easily lead to chaos and a general lack of understanding of how things are supposed to work. To work effectively, employees should have a complete view of the effects of their actions and inactions on process outcomes.

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A List of Websites With Free Business Analysis Templates

A List of Websites With Free Business Analysis Templates

Templates form a key part of producing Business Analysis work deliverables. Having a template to work with does not automatically imply a silver bullet to all business problems but it can help you plan your work effectively and hit the ground running.

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The Thin Line Between Business Rules & Requirements

The Thin Line Between Business Rules & Requirements

Requirements elicitation sessions typically start with the question, “How do things work?”. By gaining an understanding of what works and what the business rules are, analysts are better positioned to identify the business rules from which requirements may be drawn.

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ESI International's 2015 Business Analysis Trends: Tips For Staying Ahead

ESI International's 2015 Business Analysis Trends: Tips For Staying Ahead

A number of themes stood out in ESI’s Top 10 Business Analysis Trends for 2015, a report prepared annually by ESI executives & subject matter experts.

This post discusses the BA trends in the ESI report in the form of “themes” and suggests ways Business Analysts can prepare themselves to take up the evolving BA role in 2015 and beyond.

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edX: A List of Free Training Courses For Business Analysts

edX: A List of Free Training Courses For Business Analysts

Ready to get started in 2015 with this list of free courses?  

edX is a non-profit online initiative created by founding partners, Harvard and MIT, for providing interactive online classes offered by some of the world’s best universities. It has courses from MITx, HarvardX, BerkeleyX, UTx and many other renowned universities.

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Eliciting Requirements For ERP: 10 Quick Tips To Apply

Eliciting Requirements For ERP: 10 Quick Tips To Apply

ERP projects are notorious for failure. Research has placed ERP failure rates as high as 60% (See Article by John Cummings). BAs are expected to reduce the risk of failure by eliciting requirements that are accurate, within scope, technically feasible...the list goes on. Poor requirements elicitation can easily lead to a failed effort – a very expensive and public one.

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Business Analyst Job Description: Verticals In Which A Business Analyst Works

 Business Analyst Job Description: Verticals In Which A Business Analyst Works

A Business Analyst is expected to methodically juggle multiple activities and refine his analysis skills simultaneously.

To help you understand more about the spheres into which the job of a business analyst can expand, I have divided them along the following verticals and also explained the typical responsibilities to be carried out in each vertical. Guest Post By Robin, The Business Analyst Job Description. 

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When Processes Become Problematic: 3 Ways to Correct Bottlenecks

When Processes Become Problematic: 3 Ways to Correct Bottlenecks

Processes where input have to be received from preceding steps are extremely prone to bottlenecks. Bottlenecks can cost the company time, money and valuable customers. Customers will switch to faster competitors if they do not get their products on time. If tasks sit for days in a person's inbox waiting for attention or engineers are constantly waiting to receive product specifications, improvement efforts and projects will suffer.

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