How To Progress Your Career & Not Get Stuck In A Rut

How To Progress Your Career & Not Get Stuck In A Rut

Progressing up the career ladder is no easy feat. Regardless of where you turn, or any achievements you attain, you seem to face obstacles that take you right back to square one. Sometimes, it’s hard to stay motivated, especially when it appears all odds are against you.

Sounds familiar? Here’s what you need to do to address this. Guest Post By Brenda Berg

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Can You Decline A Job Offer If You've Already Accepted it?

Can You Decline A Job Offer If You've Already Accepted it?

Imagine this situation: you have accepted a job proposal from one company but while you were waiting for them to send you the contract, you received another proposal. That second proposal is better than the first one and you really would like to work with the second company. Is it even legal to decline an accepted job offer?

Guest Post By Diana Clark

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How To Boost Your Self-Confidence At Work

We all have those moments when we question ourselves and think we can’t handle a situation. When faced with unfamiliar situations, we are filled with self-doubt and constantly have to talk ourselves through those situations. Confidence is an important ingredient in the workplace and very few people can go far without it. 

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Career Transition: How To Switch From One Career To Another

At one point or another, you may have considered switching from one career to another. Perhaps your current career path is a dead end or you no longer have any interest in what you do. Changing careers can give you new enthusiasm and fulfilment if you take the right steps in the right direction. Changing careers is never an easy decision and should not be rushed. Ensure that you have the resources and capabilities you need to make it happen. 

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How To Take Control Of Your Career

Are you kicking yourself because of the power you have and don’t use? Because of the thoughts and words you have and don’t express? You have the power within you to control your reaction to any situation and circumstance…the power to foresee your future and rule it when the time comes. Do you use this power or do you not believe in it?

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How To Prepare For An Interview In 24 Hours

What do you do when you have only 24 hours to prepare for an interview? Even candidates with sufficient notice before the day have to put in significant effort to perform well. You’re probably wondering how much of a chance you’ve got. Fret not. The fact that you have got only 24 hours to prepare does not completely eliminate your chances of doing well. The limited time you have will force you to focus on what’s necessary. 

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How To Deal With Counteroffers

You’ve written your resignation letter. You’re mentally prepared to take up the challenge of a new job and face the future with a new employer. You’ve signed your resignation letter and are ready to have the much-dreaded conversation with your boss about your plans to leave. You inform your boss and the incredible happens. He tries to keep you with a counteroffer. He emotionally declares how excellent you are to work with, how it would be a big shame to have you leave the team at such a critical time…

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How To Manage Work Stress by Compartmentalising

The art of compartmentalising can be very useful in deciding where to focus your energy during the course of a stressful day. Let’s assume you just finished a meeting with colleagues in which you couldn’t reach an agreement... Compartmentalising is the skill that allows you to move on to the next meeting without the previous meeting weighing on your mind and affecting your performance. Think about this:

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How To Handle Promotion At Work

Getting promoted, though a sign that your work is appreciated, can easily become a stressful experience, if not properly managed. You will have new expectations of yourself and so will everyone else.  From a position of being responsible for an outcome, you move to managing those actually doing to the work. It gets even more complicated when you are promoted to a position of managing colleagues that were previously your peers.

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20 Professional Mantras You Can Apply To Improve Your Professional Life

Professionals need to protect their minds. We need to protect the essence of who we are. We learn everyday and sometimes have to go through temporary trials to win battles down the line. It is ok to lose small battles from time to time so that you can win when it matters. It gives you a sense of progression.

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How To Cope When Your Boss Resigns

I never thought my boss would leave… Of course, I understand that he’s human and has ambitions of his own but I just never conceived of it and didn’t want to, until it happened. It was downright shocking and I felt at a loss, to put it mildly. Here was the captain of our ship, parking it in like it was just another day. 

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