How To Be Good At Your Work

You may often wonder what it takes to be good at one’s job. I mean, really good. You see them everyday. They have their numbers at hand - Ask them anything, and they have the facts right at their fingertips. People who are really good at their jobs often cut the picture of confident, articulate and gutsy. What exactly does it take to build up one’s image to this point? How can you ensure that you always cut the picture of a confident and knowledgeable professional? How can you avoid uncomfortable and embarrassing moments that make you feel incompetent? Is it even possible?

Yes, it is possible. This post will get you started one step at a time.


Listen closely to what people are saying. You’ll learn a lot when you do and your colleagues will see you as reliable enough to hold a conversation with. When you develop the ability to listen with the intention of understanding what others are saying, you will appear knowledgeable when you contribute your own quota since you will be doing so from a position of knowledge.


Focus on your work. If you are given a task to do, give it your best. There are no shortcuts when it comes to excellence. If you give your best consistently, you will be rewarded. You will experience those stellar moments when you will shine, above others.


Before any meeting, take time to do your research. Understand the objectives of the meeting so that you can come up with intelligent questions and comments.

Be Positive

You can’t accomplish much without a dose of optimism. If you constantly expect things to go wrong, they will. 

Take A Vacation

This is necessary to fuel your energy and give you an entirely new perspective on things. You will come back refreshed and ready to take up new challenges.

I find that no one is perfect. If you are not constantly beating yourself up because you are not perfect, you will start to feel better about your accomplishments, no matter how little they are and even when you make mistakes along the way. Don’t downplay your achievements, be positive and ready to apply these tips until they become habit.