5 Quick Tips For Scaling Your Professional/Academic Examination
/The run up to any examination period can be a seriously stressful time for anyone. It’s very easy to slide into an endless stream of worries – for example, how do you retain all the vital information you are soaking up? If you are about to write an exam, take a quiz or a certification examination, read on for tips on how to prepare efficiently and effectively.
1. Create a timetable
Ensuring that you allow yourself plenty of time to revise all of the subjects you are taking examinations in is essential. Shorter sessions tend to work better with a higher chance of the learning sticking. Creating a timetable will give you the chance to be accountable to yourself as you really need to stick to it as closely as possible.
2. Take regular breaks
Studying non-stop will do you no good at all. Cramming might feel as though you are doing your very best, but you need to look after yourself too. Allowing yourself regular breaks each and every day is vital. Choose a brisk walk in the fresh air or coffee with friends. Try to exercise several times a week, where possible.
3. Create a calm space
Although you may claim to be able to study while sitting in front of the television, it is unlikely. A show may catch your attention and your mind may wander. Whether you are weighing up different options on how to get into Columbia or scale a professional exam, trying your hardest is important and that means creating a calm and distraction-free work space. A comfortable chair and desk with space to put sticky notes, posters, mind maps and any other learning aids could be great additions. If you are struggling to find peace and quiet at home, consider your local library.
4. Vary your techniques
Reading through the notes you made during class is a great way of revising, but is not the only technique. Try going over old papers, answering the questions and then checking the mark scheme. You may find some online resources too. Videos on YouTube explaining key learning points can be really handy as well. Although not advised as the sole technique of studying, working with a friend who is on a similar path can also be helpful on the odd occasion.
5. Think positively
It is really easy to feel overwhelmed when you are preparing for an exam/test. The more you doubt yourself, however, the harder you will find it. Try seeing the positive in all situations. Consider how far you have come and what you have achieved rather than focusing on how much is left to do. Positive affirmations stuck up around your room, amongst all of the things you need to remember can work well, reminding you how strong you are and that you can succeed if you stay the course.
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