How Do You Get A Venture Capitalist To Invest In Your Business?

How Do You Get A Venture Capitalist To Invest In Your Business?

The road to becoming a successful entrepreneur is never easy, and the challenges start from the very beginning and last till the end. Having sufficient capital is one of the many key aspects of running a business. However, many aspiring entrepreneurs struggle with having sufficient capital funds for their start-ups, or even for expansions.

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Calculating Self Employment Tax In The US: 5 Tips You Should Be Aware Of

Calculating Self Employment Tax In The US: 5 Tips You Should Be Aware Of

In the eyes of the law, you’re self-employed when you have your own business whether physically or online, and if you’re a freelancer. Unlike employed individuals, you’re your own boss. This comes with its perks, but it also means one thing: you don’t have a company’s human resource department to automatically deduct the withholding tax from your wage. All matters relating to tax now fall into your hands.

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How Internal Operations Can Impact A Business' Bottom Line

How Internal Operations Can Impact A Business' Bottom Line

A company's internal operations can have profound repercussions on its growth and future trajectory.

If operations are conducted inefficiently, this will naturally lead to increased costs and wasted man hours. On the other hand, if internal operations are properly streamlined, this can speed up processes, improve organizational efficiency, and lay down the groundwork for future scalability opportunities.

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Corporate Credit Card Management - Guidelines, Processes & Best Practices

Corporate Credit Card Management - Guidelines, Processes & Best Practices

If you’ve learned anything from all those billion-dollar corporate scandals on TV news, it’s this: always be a transparent and honest professional when reporting corporate expenses. Companies entrust their employees to charge authorized business expenses directly to the company using corporate cards.

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4 Steps To Take After A Workplace Injury

4 Steps To Take After A Workplace Injury

The most common workplace injuries are slip and falls, overexertion, exposure to harmful chemicals or temperatures, being crushed or pinched between heavy objects, and being struck by a heavy object. This is not an exhaustive list, however, and unfortunately, workplace injuries can be caused by a myriad of situations and result in catastrophic and life-threatening injuries.

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The Similarities Between Personal And Business Financial Management

The Similarities Between Personal And Business Financial Management

Personal financial management and business financial management share many similarities. Both types of financial management require individuals to carefully track their income and expenses, plan for future needs, and make sure that their money is being used in the most efficient way possible.

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4 Tips For Turning Around A Struggling Bar Or Restaurant

4 Tips For Turning Around A Struggling Bar Or Restaurant

Every business has its ups and downs, and yet bars and restaurants are especially susceptible to uncertainty and disruption, whether they are newly opened or well-established.

You don’t have to grin and bear the brunt of a slow season, and taking action to turn things around can be empowering, so here are some ideas for bringing customers back through the doors in greater numbers than ever before.

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Learning From Banks: How Banks Reward Their Customers

Learning From Banks: How Banks Reward Their Customers

The competition to satisfy customers is fierce in the banking industry. From fintech companies to online-only banks, there are plenty of financial institutions that are disrupting business-as-usual. This transformation has provided customers with options that were previously unavailable to them.

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5 Professional Liability Claim Scenarios

5 Professional Liability Claim Scenarios

When you own a business, you have responsibilities you need to meet. You have to make sure your staff is taken care of, and you should operate your business ethically, for example. While you might have the best intentions, sometimes your business might be found negligent and cause another party to suffer losses. If this happens because you or an employee made a mistake, then you may have to pay them back for what they’ve lost.

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Benefits of Marketing Analytics

Benefits of Marketing Analytics

Marketing analytics is no longer an overlooked subject in the business world today. Transparency Market Research reports that the marketing analytics industry will grow by approximately 14% in 2022. The widespread digitisation of marketing has led to this growth. Technology literate marketers now have a plethora of access to an abundant stream of essential insights into their audiences, their performance, and chances of growth going forward.

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How Can You Protect Your Business From External Factors?

How Can You Protect Your Business From External Factors?

Running a business has never been a simple endeavour; there are many things you need to track as a business leader in order to ensure maximum profitability and business resilience. While you can effectively manage internal variables, from staff to quality of service and supply, there are numerous kinds of external factors that can disrupt your business’ day-to-day operations. What exactly are these external factors, and how can you seek to prevent them from affecting your work?

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Setting A Course For Success: Apply A CEO’s Mindset To Your Real Estate Business

Setting A Course For Success: Apply A CEO’s Mindset To Your Real Estate Business

When you picture a CEO what comes to mind? A man in a three-piece suit with shiny cufflinks speaking before a large audience or a woman in a bright red power suit standing tall in front of a room full of eager employees? The image that comes to your mind may be what you see on the surface of a CEO, but what is going on inside a CEO’s mind? What are they thinking and what do they know that got them to where they are today?

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One Financing Option To Consider - Just in Time Financing

One Financing Option To Consider - Just in Time Financing

You can’t turn an idea into a business without capital, and yet not all of us can rely on traditional funding models to get ahead.

This is where the just in time approach to financing enters the picture, giving startups a cutting edge route to reaching their growth goals without being shackled by typical issues.

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4 Strategies To Help You Scale Your Fashion eCommerce Business

4 Strategies To Help You Scale Your Fashion eCommerce Business

The world of online shopping is getting bigger each year and it’s projected that eCommerce will account for more than $6.5 trillion in sales by 2023. With brick-and-mortar shops slowly becoming outdated and millions of people flocking to online stores, smart retailers are offering their products online.

If you own a fashion eCommerce business, it can be very lucrative because fashion is one of the top categories for online shopping. However, that also means the market is very competitive. To thrive among so many competitors, you need to learn how to scale your fashion eCommerce business.

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  5 Things To Consider Before Hiring A New Employee

   5 Things To Consider Before Hiring A New Employee

If you run a business and things are getting busier, you may be considering hiring an extra pair of hands to help lighten the load. Additional employees can help increase sales and make your operations more efficient, but it's important not to jump too quickly until you've weighed up all the pros and cons.

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