5 Do’s And 2 Don’ts Of Choosing A Name For Your Business

Starting a business is often a painstaking process that requires a lot of time and effort. It entails doing things one step at a time and one of the initial steps is choosing an appropriate name for your business. 

An excellent business name is essential since it’s how your customers will refer to you. It should leave a positive impression on your current and potential clients when they say it aloud. 

Do you want to know the features of an ideal business name? If so, you’re in the right place. Read on to learn the dos and don’ts of choosing a name for your business.

The Do’s

1. Do Choose A Simple Name 

A simple name is ideal for your business. It should be short and easy to remember. With a long name, there’s a chance that your customers won’t remember it after leaving your website or business premises. This is quite a disadvantage should they wish to refer your business to their family and friends. You’d then lose the opportunity to gain new customers, and it’s because of a complicated-sounding name that’s hard to remember. 

On the other hand, your business name doesn’t have to be boring. Go for a name that’s memorable and exciting. Customers are more likely to remember a catchy name than one that’s dull and plain. 

2. Do A Business Name Search 

Businesses tend to trademark their business name to prevent it from being used by other companies. To secure a trademark for your business name, you need to file an application with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), for example.   

Before filing an application, do a business name search. There are service providers that allow you to check if your desired business name is available in your state. You cannot choose a name that has already been trademarked. 

3. Do Test Your Name 

As the business owner, you might believe that you’ve chosen the perfect business name. However, what do other people have to say about your preferred name? 

Start by asking your family and friends what they think of the name. Is it too long? Is it difficult to pronounce or spell? What emotions do they feel upon saying the word out loud? 

It would also help to seek the opinion of other people, such as your business mentor or associates, because your family and friends could be biased. You’d want to settle for a business name that evokes the right emotions from your customers. It has to be a name that resonates with them. 

4. Do Check The Name Meaning 

Words have different meanings in different languages. The same applies to your business name. Therefore, it would be wise to check the meaning of your preferred name across other languages before settling on it. 

You don’t want a business name with a double meaning, especially if the other meaning is negative or offensive to other cultures. It may have a positive image and impression in your language, but it could mean something entirely different in another cultural setting. An offensive business name is likely to drive away potential clients, with current ones leaving upon realizing the name’s meaning.

5. Do Choose A Unique Name 

It’s always advisable for any business to stand out from its competitors and in the industry at large. Your uniqueness is more or less your brand’s selling point. Therefore, choose a unique business name. 

You can start by searching the names of other businesses in your industry, preferably the most prominent players. Take note of how they’ve come up with their names and think of ways yours can stand out from theirs. 

However, your chosen business name shouldn’t be too different from that of your competitors. You want to identify with them, but not be them. Also, it shouldn’t be too similar that you don’t stand out or it causes confusion among your clients.

The Don’ts

1. Don’t Use Your Name 

It’s quite typical for business owners to use their names or initials for their business. Although it’s a way of leaving a legacy or identifying yourself with your brand, it’s not advisable to do so. 

Using your name directly ties you to your business. If your business gets bad publicity due to an unfortunate incident, your name will always be tainted. The public will associate you with the business years down the line, even after closing the company.

This might prevent you from seeking another lucrative business opportunity. If you decide to open another business, potential clients might shy away due to what happened in the past, putting you out of business.

2. Don’t Specify Your Products Or Services

It makes sense from a marketing standpoint to ensure that your business name speaks for itself. For this reason, some businesses incorporate their line of work in their business name, but it’s not wise to do so. 

You shouldn’t specify your products or services in your business name to allow for scalability. As a business, you expect to grow. There’s a chance that you might venture into producing other goods or providing additional services. 

Suppose your chosen business name is ‘Plumbing Repair Services.’ You now want to provide installation services and sell plumbing products. How will you go about this with your current business name? Remember, your existing clients will always associate your business with plumbing repair services and nothing else.

This might warrant a change in your business name, a move that could confuse your current customers. Suppose you decide to keep the business name and inform your existing clients of the new products and extra services. But what about potential clients? Based your name, you will always be identified as a plumbing repair service provider, making you lose out on new business opportunities. 


Settling on the right business name for your company could be a tedious, trial-and-error process. However, this process could be made less challenging with the pointers provided above. Be sure to adhere to the dos and don’ts of choosing a name for your business. By avoiding potential pitfalls and unleashing your creativity, you can come up with a name that’s perfect for your business.