Understanding The Basics Of eCommerce Analytics

In the world of online stores and shopping, there are a lot of things that can go wrong, and you might not know why people aren’t coming into your store. Is the website set up poorly? Are the costs too high? Is anyone even finding my website?

These are questions you might be asking yourself, and are not sure how to get the answers. This is where eCommerce Analytics comes in. By having this information on hand, you can narrow down where people stop before buying your items and fix your site to make it more enticing.

Keep reading to find out more about eCommerce Analytic tools that can help your company.

What is eCommerce Analytics?

eCommerce Analytics is the data on your store's online shop. It goes above and beyond just analyzing inventory, or what items are sold the most. 

It focuses on how people came to find your store, how many people enter without purchasing something if people come back to your store, the products people look at more than once, and more. 

For example, when you purchase an ad on Facebook or Google, you can see how many people saw the ad, came to your store and purchased something. 

You can also see how many people visit your site vs actually buying something, and how far they got in your store. Did they only click on the website and then leave? Did they browse? Did they add something to the cart and then abandon it?

Why Are Analytics Important?

Analytics are important because they allow you to tailor your website and store to people, and convince them to make a purchase. You can use this data to adjust your website or make things more personal for your long-term customers. 

If one person keeps coming back and buying a lot of similar items, you can create a system that will send them alerts when another product they might like comes out. 

When people are leaving before making a purchase, you can determine why that is. Do they make it to the page where it lists the shipping fees? Perhaps that is deterring them. Some things are just out of your control, but if you can make even minor adjustments, you can increase profits by a large margin. 

Essentially, any question you may have about why your sales aren’t as high as you might want them to be can be answered by analytics. Thankfully, there are eCommerce Analytic tools that are great for any online store.

What Are Some eCommerce Analytics Tools?

You may already have access to Analytics. On Facebook, you will be given information on how many people viewed and entered your store based on your ad. Google might give you some ideas on what people searched for and how it led them to your site. 

However, all of this information is spread out through various websites. You can try and collect the information manually to compare it, but that takes a lot of time and leads to errors. 

Though they cost money, some websites and programs will help you collect all of this information and combine it into one place for easy comparisons and analysis. 

Some of the most recommended tools are:

  1. Woopra

  2. Mixpanel

  3. Crazy Egg

  4. Google Analytics

  5. Hotjar

  6. Kissmetrics

However, there are many other programs, and you can find one that works best for you.

Why Would I Want to Use One of These Tools?

Trying to keep track of analytics on various websites can be tiring and confusing. It can also lead to errors or mismanagement of the data, which won’t allow you to utilize the information properly. 

These tools will help combine your information and give you comparisons, graphs, and data you can use to better your store. Though they do cost money, if you use the information they provide to your advantage, you can make a lot more.

Also, the headache that comes with combining the data yourself is easily worth the cost of the tool.