3 Ways To Boost The User Experience Of Your Company Website

Today, the first interaction that many people will have with your business is the website. Whether they are visiting it to find your contact information, or simply to learn more about you, many people will visit a website before ever working with a company.

While you want your Website Name to be recognizable and easy to search, and want to make sure the site looks good, one of the most important parts of your site is the experience it offers. If a site provides a poor experience, don’t be shocked when people click away.

With that in mind, this article will take a closer look at how you can take the user experience of your company website to new heights.

1. Optimize Your Page Loading Speed

One of the things that has the biggest impact on your website experience is page loading speed. If your site loads quickly, it offers a much better browsing experience than one that takes forever. In fact, half of all visitors will abandon a website if it takes longer than six seconds to load a particular page.

Some great ways to speed up your website are to optimize images, use a good host, limit your plugins, and be careful with redirects. Also, make sure the site loads well and quickly on different devices, too.

2. Keep Navigation Simple

Site navigation isn’t something you might think has a major impact on user experience, but it certainly does. You need to ensure that the way you set up your navigation is clear and easily understood by all who visit. You should use clear headings, in an order and location that makes sense. Across the top of the page is generally a good and safe idea.

Also, be careful offering too many options, and make it easy to find your most desirable/popular pages in as few clicks as possible. Thankfully, there are many ways to make your site easy to navigate, to ensure that people don’t get confused or lost within your site. This includes things like adding a search function and avoiding multi-level menus if possible.

3. Maintain Consistency From Page to Page

Having a consistent website is another way to boost the experience people have on your site. A consistent website is one that uses similar fonts, colors, buttons, styles, and themes from page to page. No matter what part of your site someone is on, it should feel similar and unified.

If each page of your site looks vastly different from the last in terms of theme and tone, it can be quite jarring for visitors. They may feel confused, lost, and it could lead to them seeing you as less professional. Each page doesn’t need to be a carbon copy of the last, but it should at least be similar.

We hope the tips in this article have been able to help you improve the user experience on your company website.