5 Websites That Will Help You Hire New Employees (Without Breaking The Bank)

Recruiting and hiring top talent is no small feat. It takes time, energy, and resources to find the best people for your company — especially when you’re on a budget. In fact, many businesses report spending over 10% of their annual turnover on recruiting-related costs. Luckily, we live in an age where technology has made connecting with others faster and easier than ever before. 

There are now more opportunities than ever to find affordable services that will save you time and money when it comes to hiring new employees. Today, we’ll be diving into some of the best websites for finding employee quotes, job postings, and other resources that can help you hire an employee without breaking the bank.

Before we delve into the top sites that can support you when hiring an employee, let’s look at some of the most important details to focus on during the recruitment process. 

Why is the hiring process so important?

When you’re in the process of hiring employees, especially when you’ve had empty vacancies for a while, it can be easy to forget the importance of each role and get caught up in simply filling the position. Recruiting the right people to your company matters.

The hiring process is one of the most important steps in growing and maintaining your business. When you have the right team on your side, your business is more likely to succeed. Better still, an employee who is well-suited for their position will be more likely to achieve their goals and have a positive impact on your company, so finding the best people for the position is key. That’s not to say the hiring process is easy. Luckily, there are several websites that can help you along the way without breaking the bank.

How much does hiring an employee cost?

The cost of hiring someone new very much depends on what you’re looking for and how much you’re willing to spend. As a small business, for example, you may be a little more limited by budget, so advertising on LinkedIn or a similar site could be the best option. Additionally, if you’re recruiting for a niche role, then you’ll need to put a little more effort into your search and that can cost more. The cost of hiring a new employee depends on the following:

  • The type of role you’re recruiting for i.e will it attract a lot of interest or is it niche?

  • How well known your company is

  • Are you hiring internationally or locally?

  • Are you advertising on your own website or using job boards?

Recruitment, however, is one area of business that will help you grow your teams with highly skilled individuals while taking your business to the next level. That’s why it’s always worth the investment. 

How should you prepare for recruitment?

Finding the best person for a role in your company is something that shouldn’t be rushed. As much as your candidates need to prepare, so do you! You want to give a great first impression so preparation is key — this can also help speed up the process.

You can prepare for hiring a new employee by:

  • Thinking carefully about the skills and requirements you need for the role. Be sure to discuss with relevant departments to create a detailed job description.

  • If you need the candidates to complete any tests or tasks during the interview process, then prepare this beforehand.

  • Make sure your website and social platforms accurately represent your business.

  • Think about employee benefits, as these will be important in selling the role to a prospective candidate. 

  • Write a list of important questions to ask during the interview.

If you start recruitment unprepared, chances are you’re not going to get the most out of the process. Plan ahead, think carefully about what you’re looking for, and present yourself as a reputable employer.

Which websites will help you hire an employee?

Today, there are a range of useful websites that make recruitment easier than ever. Whether you want more exposure for your job ads or you need help hiring an international employee, you can find the services you need in just a few clicks.

1. Job ad sites

How do you plan on advertising your job vacancy? Creating a good job advert and posting it in the right place makes all the difference and can help you find a good candidate much quicker. Using job board websites is one of the most effective ways of getting your job post out there. There is a readily available pool of candidates who are likely job hunting for a specific role that you’re advertising or are at least interested in your industry.

There are several websites that make it easy to create and post a job ad. Don’t forget to include all of the important information such as the job title, description, what you’re looking for and even employee benefits such as flexible working. Once you’ve set up your ad, it will be discoverable by potential employees, and from there, you can filter the applicants and shortlist the most suitable CVs until you find the right person. Job sites are available at different price points, with sponsored ads helping to increase the exposure of your vacancy. 

2. Global onboarding sites

Hiring international employees is now a lot more doable due to the range of helpful services available — not to mention the fact that most businesses (and candidates) are now embracing remote and asynchronous working. Perhaps you’d like to enter a new overseas market and therefore require a new team member based in that location, or maybe you’d simply like to widen your search to find the most talented and suitable candidates. Websites such as Remote offer an employer of record service that makes onboarding international employees easier.

Many businesses understandably feel overwhelmed by the thought of recruiting global employees. However, it’s a process that doesn’t need to be complicated and stressful when you have the right services on board. EOR services help with local compliance, payroll, and other onboarding tasks so you can concentrate on helping your new team member settle into their role. Prices will vary between service providers, but if you’re interested in hiring people from other countries, an employer of record service is definitely worth the money.

3. Networking sites

Almost everyone has LinkedIn, including employees and employers. It’s a great site for advertising jobs, making industry connections, and creating more awareness of your company. By regularly posting company updates or creating interesting content about your industry, you’ll soon grow your following and become a more recognized name — and this is great for attracting new employees.

Often, individuals will keep a close eye on companies’ LinkedIn profiles that they’re interested in working for, so as soon as you post a job advert that matches their skills and interests it’s likely they’ll apply! The great thing about LinkedIn is that it has many free features as well as premium features for small and medium-sized businesses (and enterprise companies, too), plus more that come at an additional cost. 

4. Freelance websites

Have you considered working with a freelancer? If you’re looking for a specific skill set or you’re working on a short-term project, a freelancer is a great option to consider. Plus, once you find someone who you can work well with, there’s a chance that you can build a long-term relationship and even onboard them as a permanent employee further down the line.

There are plenty of freelancer websites — such as Fiverr and Upwork — where you can find talented freelancers nationally and internationally. Of course, rates will fluctuate depending on each freelancer’s experience and quality of work, so while you get what you pay for, this can be a smart option if you want to hire someone in a cost-effective way.

5. Personality and intelligence test sites

Personality and intelligence test websites can provide you with valuable information about possible candidates. If you’re recruiting for a role that requires a particular approach or you’re simply interested in how they work, personality tests can be a great tool when hiring. Similarly, intelligence tests show you how well an employee will adapt to a new role.

It’s important to note that this kind of testing shouldn’t be the basis for your final decision, and the impression you get from your interview will largely tell you whether they’re a good fit or not. That said, they can still be useful tools to leverage during the hiring process — if you’re torn between one or more candidates, for example, their test results could act as a differentiator. 

Hiring employees can be a challenging process, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience with it. Luckily, there are now more resources than ever to help you find the right people for your company. For both hiring managers and professional recruiters, there are ways of hiring efficiently without needing to spend a lot of money on recruitment-related costs.