How To Find A Trustworthy Financial Advisor For Your Business

If you have a business, you might be considering hiring a financial advisor to help you out. Finances are a complex body of knowledge, and you probably don’t have the time to gain all of the knowledge that a financial advisor has. Instead of worrying about it on your own, you can hire someone with more experience and expertise than you have to focus on building your business with the best budgets and financial strategies. Even if your business is currently doing okay, you’d be surprised by the benefits of hiring a financial advisor.

What Does a Financial Advisor Do for Businesses?

A financial advisor is beneficial to any business, but you may be asking yourself why that is. When you are running a business, you have a lot of responsibilities from employees to outreach, so also managing all of your finances can become a burden. A financial advisor is someone who can take this pressure off of you, and do it with more expertise. Even if you are relatively savvy when it comes to finances, you are probably not an expert on all of the ins and outs of a business’ finances.

A financial advisor also helps businesses find cost-saving opportunities and build the most profit possible. They will be able to take care of complex financial tasks much more quickly and efficiently than you would be able to, saving you time and money. Not every business owner needs to go through bankruptcy to learn what not to do with their finances. In the business world, learning from your mistakes can have detrimental consequences, so you can’t really afford to wing it. A financial advisor will help you stay out of debt, while also giving advice on how you can better succeed.

Running a business is about more than just managing the company at the present moment, it also involves looking into the future and planning your next moves accordingly. For example, if you have a goal to open another location within the next 10 years this isn’t just going to happen on its own. It will take a specific financial plan that you may not be able to execute on your own as well as you could with the help of an advisor. They will be able to help you create a strategy that will get you to your goal.

Choosing Right

When entrusting someone with such an important responsibility as the finances of your business, choosing one that you can trust is difficult. There are lots of individuals and firms that you can pick from, but how do you know which one is really right for you? Here are some tips for choosing a trustworthy and knowledgeable financial advisor to help your business.

Know What Help You are Looking For

The first thing you should do is sit down and determine what you want from a financial advisor. Your reasoning behind hiring a professional to help with your business’s finances can vary and before meeting with potential advisors you need to have a clear idea of what you are looking for. Maybe you need someone who can help you develop an efficient budget for your business and help you stay on top of it. On the other hand, your business may not be doing well and you need an advisor to come in and determine some cost-saving methods so you can avoid going under.

Whatever your reasoning is, you’ll ideally want someone who has handled this kind of thing before. When talking to advisors, you need to understand what you want in order to determine whether they are right for you. A financial advisor who has only worked with personal finances, may not be the best person to create a budget for your business. In the same way, someone who has helped several companies dig themselves out of a hole might be exactly the kind of experience you are looking for in someone.

Look For a Real Fiduciary

One of the best ways to determine whether or not a financial advisor is going to be trustworthy or not is to find one that is a real fiduciary. A fiduciary is a person or financial organization that makes decisions in the best interest of another party, in this case, you and your business. In other words, being a fiduciary means that they are legally and ethically responsible for making decisions with their client's best interests in mind.

In some cases, financial decisions made by advisors or money managers are influenced by their own personal gain or that of their company. It is important to filter these kinds of people out when you are searching for your own financial advisor, and one way to do this is to make sure they are actually a fiduciary. Even if there isn’t a way for their decisions for your company to be beneficial to them, knowing they are a real fiduciary can ease your mind about their trustworthiness.

Check Their Credentials

Anyone can say that they are a good financial advisor, but one way to filter out who is actually going to be good is to look at their credentials. There are a lot of well-recognized credentials that these financial professionals can acquire to prove their credibility and knowledge. Some very good ones to look for are the chartered financial analyst (CFA) or the certified financial planner (CFP).

When you are talking about something as complex as finances, it is important to make sure your advisor was able to pass a comprehensive examination to get where they are. Likewise, many of these certifications require them to abide by a code of ethics, so you can feel more confident about trusting them with the finances of your business.

Roni Davis is a writer, blogger, and legal assistant operating out of the greater Philadelphia area