Ways GPU Spreadsheets Super-Charge Businesses

What are the hallmarks of the latest GPU devices? Graphics processing units are sophisticated electrical components and circuits that can speed up the creation of displayed images of various kinds. They do this by altering or manipulating the computer's memory. Nowadays, they show up in products like mobile phones, laptops, embedded processing systems, PCs, and nearly every version of gaming consoles.

The units' most common use is in image and graphics processing via manipulation that employs a highly efficient parallel structure, as opposed to the more common, older CPUs. They shine when it comes to dealing with massive data streams using built-in algorithms. Even in traditional CPU-based computers, there are units either on the motherboard or on a standard video card. While there are dozens of ways that faster processing enhances the bottom line for businesses of all kinds, the following points are the most relevant.

Startups and Small Businesses

What's often forgotten is that smaller entities sometimes have an even greater need for computational speed and efficiency. Fortunately, the new technology behind the processors is not a great expense for startups and new businesses. This kind of sophisticated tech gives newcomers to a niche the ability to compete with older, larger firms. It also helps them to use enhanced algorithms for creating investment portfolios, analyzing markets, and more.

Accounting and Financial Applications

The field of accounting is perhaps the most obvious area in which there's a significant need for high-speed, super-sophisticated spreadsheets. Accountants are well-versed in data exploration, as are statisticians and many other professionals. In fact, anyone with a need to learn more about the topic can review a comprehensive guide about what GPU-enabled spreadsheets are, how they work, and why they are now the standard in commercial enterprises of all kinds.

With GPU-enabled software, users can gain plenty of unique benefits, most of which flow from the fact that the units use a computer's graphic processing component instead of the slower CPU-enabled ones. For enhanced calculation and computational scale, as well as extra speed, GPU-based spreadsheets are hands-down the better choice compared to CPU versions. Their processors operate in parallel fashion, which is what gives them their speed and power.

It's also why they're perfectly suited for performing complicated mathematics that is part and parcel of spreadsheet functionality. When there's just one data stream present, units that use graphics-based processing can do multiple calculations simultaneously, said to be in parallel, hence the name of the process. While CPUs are better at some chores, GPUs are exceptionally speedy and efficient with many others, particularly those that require the rendering of graphics, use spreadsheet-based operations, and call for the creation of data visualization.


Organizations of all sizes and types engage in planning. For some, the effort is about creating not only presentation-ready charts and graphs but also doing extensive computations on very large data sets. Short-range and long-range planning in modern corporations and small businesses focuses on gathering and analyzing myriad sets of facts, data, events, predictions, and more. Visualization plays a key role in the process, and managers at all levels need to have access to quick computing methods that deliver understandable visuals as well as mathematical accuracy.

Transport Fleets

In the transport industry, chart-based visuals are a staple. They're needed by fleet supervisors who use advanced, visual-based charting to create efficient routes, monitor fuel usage, stay informed about needed engine repairs, and make instant decisions about road conditions that involve potentially hazardous situations. Today's trucks are rolling computers with wheels attached. The sheer amount of technology that goes into moving a large vehicle from one place to another is mind boggling. That's just one of the many reasons the transport industry relies on apps and processes that deliver rapid computing ability.

Human Resources Departments

Applicant tracking systems, commonly called ATS, are the heart of modern human resources departments in large organizations. Gone are the days when human eyes scanned resumes looking for worthy candidates to fill job openings. With computerized ATS apps, HR managers can choose groups of keywords, and the system will accept only those documents that include them. An efficient ATS can scan thousands of resumes within minutes. Without GPU-enabled programs, none of this would be possible, and HR teams would be tasked with hours of reading and highlighting.

Estimating and Budget Planning

There's no sub-category of the financial function that uses graphical processing units more intensively than budgeting and cost estimating. Because numbers, tables, graphs, charts, timelines, algorithms, formulas, and complex calculations are the very essence of the budgeting cycle, managers would be remiss to rely solely on traditional CPUs for these tasks. In larger firms, nearly every proposed budget and purchase estimate must meet management approval. That means presentations, discussions, and hours upon hours of analysis of visuals. Without the capability to streamline the calculations and analysis, the entire process would take at least twice as long.


The field of marketing, which includes both advertising and promotion, is not only data-rich but relies on the use of graphics for storyboards, mock-up ads, and dozens of other calculational and graphical tasks. In modern marketing departments, time is money, and that means using high-powered, spreadsheet-enabled analysis and imaging apps can make a big difference in how efficiently a company achieves its sales targets. One of the more popular methods for devising long-term selling strategies is called target marketing. Even for small populations in limited marketplaces, companies typically run hundreds of computational scenarios to determine which demographics are buying or not buying their products. The process leans heavily on the use of graphics and financial calculations.