Top Outreach Strategies That Will Keep Your Audience Engaged

When was the last time you took the time to really look at your customer engagement statistics? Chances are the day-to-day tasks have taken over and you haven’t really had a chance to revisit this. But this is very common, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

It‘s totally normal to get stuck in repeated habits that are “working” for you and keep the business running. However, there are a few ways you can really give your engagement rates the boost they need.

So, while things are winding down for 2021, and you are in the planning stages for 2022, why don’t you factor in time to overhaul your engagement strategy? It could also be worth your while scheduling a bi-annual review of the strategy while you are at it. How do you accomplish this?

Focus On Real, Organic Social Followers 

Lately, there has been a substantial shift in social media expectations. A few years ago, brands were primarily measuring the number of followers as well as the number of comments and likes on posts. The problem with this is that this doesn't actually translate to conversions. You can have hundreds of comments on a post, but how many people are actually clicking through and buying?

Brands need to start shifting their strategy to focus on real, organic people following them, rather than bots, or low-converting followers. Your fanbase should consist of real people who are really interested in buying your products. But getting there can be tricky. Luckily, there are some great Instagram promotion services on the market that can help you gain these kinds of followers. 

They help you in building a community of followers who are more likely to engage with your content based on their preferences. So, if their interests and behaviors match your brand, they will help by targeting them with the right marketing strategy. As you can imagine, the ROI on this is immense. 

Automate Your Lead Generation 

Lead generation has always been completely resource-consuming. It takes time, money and effort to collect qualified leads and reach out to them. Luckily, there is an easier way. Various automated lead generation tools can help you find targeted B2B clients, on LinkedIn for example, and push them to actually visit the site and possibly convert. 

This tool can help you automatically invite targeted second and third-level contacts on LinkedIn and invite them to connect with your business with a personal note. It can also assist you with the auto-responder, which immediately engages you with newly added connections, heightening your engagement. It will create drip campaigns for chain messaging, and create reply detection, which will take hours off your hands. It also weeds out the potential non-starters from the qualified leads who are more likely to convert. 

With this in your back pocket, you can ensure your lead generation carries on while your energy is focused elsewhere. Potential clients will be automatically contacted and engaged with until the point where they are ready to convert, and you can take over. 

Partner Up With Affiliates 

The next strategy to look at is creating partnerships with other brands for mutually beneficial promotion. To get started, you are going to need some content. So, if you don’t have a blog yet, now is the time to get on that. You will need to regularly be posting to your blog and sharing it across your social platforms and emails for customer engagement. The next step is to share this content with other sites like media or news outlets. 

Try and find outlets that are in the same category or industry as your brand. So, if you are in insurance, for example, car journals, or financial news sites are a must. In this way, you will be heightening your SEO and you will be placing educational content in front of your direct audience through the media source with your company’s name all over it, of course. 

Secondly, look at bringing on an influencer affiliate. Now, by this, we don’t mean a macro-influencer like Kylie Jenner. Rather, look for a micro-influencer who is associated with your industry. They will have already developed a following who are actually interested in the type of content and on the subject, so you know that you have a targeted audience. Together, you can create content that promotes both of your brands and educates the followers with informative content.

A great example is the one we used earlier. If you are an insurance brand, you can approach local car journalists or personalities, or even financial gurus with a good following. Together, you can create content that provides your followers with great advice and how-to guides. 


With all of this in action, it is crucial for you to keep an eye on what is happening with your engagement statistics. Use Google Analytics to measure the traffic coming into your site. Watch where it is coming from and how it behaves. 

You can adjust and replicate your strategies based on this. Your social and email platforms will also allow you to monitor your click-throughs, opens and conversions. So, keep track of what works content-wise. This will be greatly beneficial to your future content planning.