How To Start A Floristry Business

While some may believe 2020 is a poor time to start a business, given the state in which the Covid-19 pandemic has left many world economies, those who have a deep understanding of the business landscape know there is no better time than now. As more and more businesses are forced to close their doors, this has created a vacuum and multiple opportunities in various sectors waiting to be harnessed.

Floristry is used to describe the professional trade of flowers that involves cultivation, beautification and sales. If you’re interested in getting into floristry or have a passion for it, but aren’t quite sure where to start, this article discusses the key steps to take in launching a floristry business – one that has bucked the trend during the pandemic lockdown, posting record figures. Here we go…

1. Get Some Foundational Knowledge

As it is with most businesses, any knowledge you can gain is certainly going to help you find success. There are many courses online that offer insights and an education in Floristry. An example is the certificate III in floristry at Pearsons School. Also, you could consider taking advantage of free online articles, resources at your local library or any opportunities you get to learn from florists already in the business.

2. Cultivate A Business-Oriented Mindset

Florists typically have a deep love of plants and flowers, the desire to offer great service and a solid understanding of what the customer is interested in. Unfortunately, many florist businesses are run by those with passion for the profession who do not necessarily have the business insights needed to take their businesses to the next level. There’s more to the floristry business than selecting and beautifying flowers. Key skills such as accounting, sales, marketing, photography and procurement are required. To be successful in this business, you’ll need to learn how to maintain oversight of the entire value chain from when orders are received till they are fulfilled. 

3. Negotiate

When it comes to negotiating with suppliers, the ability to collect data on metrics, analyze the data and use it to make key decisions is going to give you a lot of negotiating power. This will help you get the best deals on products, and it will also enable you to identify exactly what the customer wants. Through smart negotiations, you can maximize your revenue.

The flower business is doing very well right now - this is certainly one business idea to keep your eyes on.