5 Cyber Security Threats To Your Business In 2022

Cyber security attacks were at an all-time high in 2021. With so many businesses employing a remote working environment to contend with lockdown restrictions and stay-at-home orders, cyber-attacks reached levels that have never been seen before.

Global cybercrime is expected to cost the world over ten trillion dollars by 2025. That is an eye-watering high figure and, sadly, there are still companies who do nothing to secure their most precious asset – data.

The only way to protect your business is by automating your cyber security system to identify and secure threats. This article will tell you what cyber security threats your business needs to be aware of for 2022. 

1. Elaborate Phishing Scams

Elaborate phishing scams and attacks will be the go-to move for many cybercriminals this year. These attacks affect your business by causing data breaches that can cost millions of dollars.

The exact cost is determined by various factors including reputational damage and disruption to your operations.

2. Mobile Malware

With the global increase in mobile wallets and payment applications, mobile malware is expected to experience a sharp rise this year. 

Cybercriminals are constantly figuring out new and innovative ways to bypass the security used on those platforms to clean out the mobile users’ bank accounts. Your company needs to employ effective security measures to remain a successful business.

3. Cyber War

You may not realize it yet, but the cyberwar is intensifying, and it can have a disastrous impact on your business. Hackers and cybercriminals are coming up with new ways to improve their illicit activities and destabilize the global markets.

By improving your infrastructure and upping your company’s security operations, you can protect your company from these customized and devastating attacks.

4. Ransomware

Ransomware attacks are expected to experience staggering numbers in 2022. That will pose a massive risk to your company this year and requires immediate action.

 Ransomware criminals will launch massive and repetitive attacks on vulnerable companies, and once an organization is shown to have paid a ransom, those attacks will increase exponentially.

The only way to protect against these attacks is to beef up your security system and protocols.

5. Hybrid Workers Are the Most Vulnerable

To enable remote or hybrid working abilities, companies have to rely on cloud technology and remote connections by using a VPN. Your company’s virtual private network is vulnerable to attack from hackers and cybercriminals. 

The criminals' game plan this year will primarily focus on attacking companies that are still working remotely. They will be launching countless attacks on cloud services and VPN gateways.

In Conclusion

The only way to protect the integrity of your company is to employ next-level security protocols and systems to ensure that your business can continue to operate and grow in 2022. 

You need to protect your company data and always put data management and security first. That is a necessary priority, and it can save your company millions of dollars at the end of the day.

Your company must stay vigilant this year, we may be making massive strides with the virus, but cyber-attacks will be at an all-time high.