The Top 3 Benefits of BPM and More

Organizations launch BPM Projects for different reasons. Is it just a buzzword or the next fad in the business world? Well, I think not. Here are some of the top benefits of BPM: 

Benefit 1: BPM brings about improved processes and efficiency. When processes are analysed, their inefficiencies/bottlenecks can be brought under the radar, scrutinized and corrected. This makes process hiccups, participants, business rules and all other process-related information transparent and understandable to anyone in the organization, resulting in increased efficiency.

Benefit 2: BPM reduces the risk of fraud. When process participants and clients understand that a process is being monitored or audited, either manually or via a system, they are more conscious of their actions. For example, what a person can get away with using manual processes becomes increasingly difficult to conceal when all processes have been automated and access is monitored.

Benefit 3: It is possible to ask 3 people in an organization how a process works and get three different accounts. BPM brings about consistency in the way things are achieved. When a process is unclear, people tend to create workarounds to achieve their objectives. With BPM in place, everyone understands the process, their roles and the impact of these roles on long-term value delivery to clients. 

There's an interesting article by Scott Cleveland that also touches on the main benefits of BPM.

AIIM (Intelligence Quarterly Q3, 2008) interviewed 354 members and industry associates. They were asked what benefits they experienced from implementing BPM. More than half of them indicated the following benefits:
- Increased process efficiency/productivity
- Continuous process improvement
- Improved process quality/consistency/compliance
- Cost reduction
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Better reporting of process performance

Companies can launch BPM Projects to achieve one or more of the benefits stated above. Processes need to be continually improved - this is what Kaizen is all about. Changing market conditions and expanding customer demands place significant pressure on companies to evolve, reduce operating costs and improve their efficiency.

BPM may yet be the silver bullet your company needs to address most, if not all its process challenges. 

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