Business Rule Documentation & Questionnaire (BRDQ)

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Business Rule Documentation & Questionnaire (BRDQ)


Business rules are usually identified during the course of requirements elicitation but are easier to analyze when documented and managed separately from the processes that enforce them. 

The objective of this template is to provide an inventory of business rules either for the purpose of implementing them as system requirements or gaining a complete understanding of how the business operates.

This template also provides a guideline for channeling discussions at elicitation events (workshops, focus groups, interviews, etc) to focus on questions that trigger stakeholders to think about existing processes and the business rules that should be adhered to.

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Business Rule Questionnaire & Response Tracking Sheet - This inventory of questions provides direction on what questions to ask so that a better understanding of business rules and associated requirements can be had.

Business Rule Documentation (BRD) Template - This comprises a list of attributes that should be captured when eliciting and documenting business rules.