4 Tips For Keeping Your Workforce Happy, Healthy And Safe

4 Tips For Keeping Your Workforce Happy, Healthy And Safe

A sick workforce can cost businesses productivity, money, and morale. American business owners, as well as businesses in other countries, can minimize costs through a variety of initiatives such as health benefits, on-site wellness programs, safety protocols and educational campaigns that boost immunity and team spirit.

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6 Areas Where Small Businesses Are Using AI To Drive Efficiency

6 Areas Where Small Businesses Are Using AI To Drive Efficiency

Artificial intelligence (AI) has typically been the domain of large enterprises with the resources to invest in complex technology infrastructure and hire trained computer scientists.

Things are changing, however. A growing number of small and medium-sized businesses are leveraging technology that mimics human intelligence.

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6 Simple Tips On Taking Your Business Online & Seeing Continued Success

6 Simple Tips On Taking Your Business Online & Seeing Continued Success

Now more than ever before, virtual businesses are thriving. As a result of the current pandemic we are living through, and the inability of people to go where they want, whenever they want, an increasing number of businesses are opting to move their operations online. If you’re considering doing the same, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed and concerned about what it will take to say goodbye to the office or relaunch your business virtually.

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4 Ways Managed Print Services Can Help Your Business

4 Ways Managed Print Services Can Help Your Business

In any type of business, it can be tough to know which activities should be outsourced to a third party or kept in-house. The very idea of outsourcing is about taking pressure off the business and increasing the output and quality of the product or service that is outsourced. Printing is one key activity of the business that should be examined for possible cost reduction and increased efficiency.

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Seven Steps To Protecting Your Brand

Seven Steps To Protecting Your Brand

When you have a really great brand that speaks to both the heart of what your business offers and what your customers want, then you have one of the most valuable assets possible at your disposal. There are a lot of potential risks to that brand, however. It can be stolen, slandered or undermined, both by outside forces and by you and your team. This article highlights seven steps to protecting your brand from threats.

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First Time Trader? Watch Out For These 8 Beginner Mistakes 

First Time Trader? Watch Out For These 8 Beginner Mistakes 

A computer, an Internet connection, and a few hundred dollars. Believe it or not, that’s all you need to start trading Forex. With barriers to entry so low, it doesn’t come as a surprise that so many people, especially Millennials, have taken to Forex trading as a way of growing their wealth.

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Four Tips For Businesses To Succeed Post-COVID-19

Four Tips For Businesses To Succeed Post-COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic changed everything in 2020, and businesses will need to adapt to succeed in a post-pandemic marketplace. Companies will be desperate to get up and running again, but it is important to be aware that it will not be “business as usual,” but instead, there will have to be major changes in the future.

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 Running A Business? 7 Features To Look For In A Phone System 

 Running A Business? 7 Features To Look For In A Phone System 

The phone system you choose for your business can either be a source of frustration for employees and customers or it can help you efficiently handle calls while making your employees' jobs easier. How well your phone system works for you depends largely on its features. Look for these seven essential features at the minimum when choosing a phone system.

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5 Benefits Of LMS Every Business Should Know About

5 Benefits Of LMS Every Business Should Know About

Granting staff access to appropriate training materials is important to their learning, growth and professional development. Small businesses in particular, stand to benefit from exploring the wealth of tools available online for training, capacity building and uplifting staff skills to ensure they can continuously deliver value.

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